-------------------------------- Simone's Simple Split v0.8 -------------------------------- by Simone Bevilacqua 31/3/1996 1. DISCLAIMER ------------- ********************************************************************* * THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED 'AS-IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND * * EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. * * I ACCEPT NO RESPONSABILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGE OR PROBLEM * * DERIVING FROM THE USE OF THIS PROGRAM: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! * ********************************************************************* 2. Distribution --------------- This program is Public Domain, therefore, IT CANNOT BE SOLD FOR PROFIT. So only the distribution charges (i.e. disk, postage & packing,etc.) can be applied. 3. Requirements & Installation ------------------------------ SSSplit has no special requirement. It should work on any Amiga, as it just uses the rom libraries DOS and EXEC. The amount of RAM required depends almost exclusively on the specified chunk length. To install, copy it anywhere you want, preferably in the c: drawer. SSSplit runs only from CLI. 4. Why SSSplit and what does it do? ----------------------------------- SSSplit was born when I needed a file splitter and I just hadn't one at the moment. I perfectly understand that there are already a lot of file splitters, and that there was no need of this VERY VERY little util. Yet, one more util hurts nobody. It does just what its name says, and that's enough, I believe. For the command line syntax, type SSSplit without parameters. To reconstruct the original file use the command "join" or something like that. 5. BUGS ------- There is no known bug. If you find one, just drop me a line: I'll try to fix it and release a new (hopefully not buggy) version. 6. Author --------- The author's name is: Simone Bevilacqua The author's home address is: Via A.Volta 6 86010 Ferrazzano (CB) ITALY The author's phone number (just for Italy): 0874/90566 The author's home address is (for study): P.za Garibaldi 9 56010 Pisa (PI) ITALY The author's E-mail address (University): bevilacq@cli.di.unipi.it VERY IMPORTANT: The author needs some Information about the Italian Copyright Laws: if you have any, don't hesitate to send them to me. The author's doesn't agree with Project Walker :(. -------------------------------------------------- 7. Greetz and Thanx ------------------- Now, I'd like to greet: My Parents & my Brother, my Relatives (especially Fabio and Daniela in L.A.) All my Friends and everyone who knows me around the world (Nei hou, CHIU HANG SHI!!!!). Fabio 'Maverick' Bizzetti, the COOLEST AMIGA programmer around. Thanx for the efforts you're doing to keep the AMIGA up. Thanks also to all the Amiga sceners who support our beloved machine with their creations. Thanks to GOD for giving me all I have.